Despite the ongoing Russian invasion, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said he is eager to hold national elections. However, financial backing from the United States or the European Union would be required.
Zelensky stated, “It is against the law to hold elections while there is martial law.
He noted that one requirement would be financial backing for the process from the US and the EU, adding that it would be very challenging to hold the elections.
I won’t organise elections on credit, and I also won’t take money out from the defence budget for the elections, he continued.
I won’t organise elections on credit, and I also won’t take money out from the defence budget for the elections, he continued.
I won’t organise elections on credit, and I also won’t take money out from the defence budget for the elections, he continued.
For that, he said, the relevant legislation would need to be “quickly” changed by parliament.
But he added that making ensuring soldiers can cast ballots is the essential issue for fair elections.
The need for sending in-the-field election observers would also arise.
Zelensky added that it would be important to make sure that the millions of Ukrainian migrants who have sought safety across Europe could take part.
“Seven million refugees must have voting rights. We require every vote, he continued.
Republican US Senator Lindsey Graham earlier demanded that Ukraine have elections no later than 2024, notwithstanding the conflict.